Source code for gym_anm.envs.anm6_env.anm6

"""The base class for a 6-bus and 7-device :code:`gym-anm` environment."""

import datetime as dt
import numpy as np

from ..anm_env import ANMEnv
from import rendering
from .network import network
from .utils import random_date

[docs]class ANM6(ANMEnv): """ The base class for a 6-bus and 7-device :code:`gym-anm` environment. The structure of the electricity distribution network used for this environment is shown below: Slack ---------------------------- | | | ----- ------- ----- | | | | | | House PV Factory Wind EV DES This environment supports rendering (web-based) through the functions :py:func:`render()` and :py:func:`close()`. """ metadata = {"render.modes": ["human"]}
[docs] def __init__(self, observation, K, delta_t, gamma, lamb, aux_bounds=None, costs_clipping=(None, None), seed=None): super().__init__(network, observation, K, delta_t, gamma, lamb, aux_bounds, costs_clipping, seed) # Rendering variables. self.network_specs = self.simulator.get_rendering_specs() self.timestep_length = dt.timedelta(minutes=int(60 * delta_t)) = None self.date_init = None self.year_count = 0 self.skipped_frames = None self.render_mode = None self.is_rendering = False
[docs] def render(self, mode="human", skip_frames=0): """ Render the current state of the environment. Visualizing the agent-environment interactions in real-time (e.g., during training) is hard to follow and not very useful, as the state of the distribution network changes too quickly (you can try with :code:`mode='human'` and :code`skip_frames=0`). Instead, setting :code:`skip_frames>0` will only update the rendering of the environment every `skip_frames`+1 steps (assuming :code:`render(skip_frames)` is called after every step), which will make it much easier to follow for the human eye. Parameters ---------- mode : {'human'}, optional The mode of rendering. If 'human', the environment is rendered while the agent interacts with it. skip_frames : int, optional The number of frames (steps) to skip when rendering the environment. For example, :code:`skip_frames=3` will update the rendering of the environment every 4 calls to :py:func:`render()`. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If a non-valid mode is specified. Notes ----- 1. The use of :code:`mode='human'` and :code:`skip_frames>0` assumes that :py:func`render()` is called after each step the agent takes in the environment. The same behavior can be achieved with :code:`skip_frames=0` and calling :py:func`render()` less frequently. """ if self.render_mode is None: if mode not in ["human"]: raise NotImplementedError() # Render the initial image of the distribution network. self.render_mode = mode self.skipped_frames = 0 rendered_network_specs = ["dev_type", "dev_p", "dev_q", "branch_s", "bus_v", "des_soc"] specs = {s: self.network_specs[s] for s in rendered_network_specs} self._init_render(specs) # Render the initial state. self.render(mode=mode, skip_frames=skip_frames) self.is_rendering = True else: self.skipped_frames = (self.skipped_frames + 1) % (skip_frames + 1) if self.skipped_frames: return full_state = self.simulator.state dev_p = list(full_state["dev_p"]["MW"].values()) dev_q = list(full_state["dev_q"]["MVAr"].values()) branch_s = list(full_state["branch_s"]["MVA"].values()) des_soc = list(full_state["des_soc"]["MWh"].values()) gen_p_max = list(full_state["gen_p_max"]["MW"].values()) bus_v_magn = list(full_state["bus_v_magn"]["pu"].values()) costs = [self.e_loss, self.penalty] network_collapsed = not self.simulator.pfe_converged self._update_render(dev_p, dev_q, branch_s, des_soc, gen_p_max, bus_v_magn, costs, network_collapsed)
[docs] def step(self, action): obs, r, done, info = super().step(action) # Increment the date (for rendering). += self.timestep_length # Increment the year count. self.year_count = ( - self.date_init).days // 365 return obs, r, done, info
[docs] def reset(self, date_init=None): # Save rendering setup to restore after the reset(). render_mode = self.render_mode obs = super().reset() # Restore the rendering setup. self.render_mode = render_mode # Reset the date (for rendering). self.year_count = 0 if date_init is None: self.date_init = random_date(self.np_random, 2020) else: self.date_init = date_init = self.date_init return obs
[docs] def reset_date(self, date_init): """Reset the date displayed in the visualization (and the year count).""" self.date_init = date_init = date_init
def _init_render(self, network_specs): """ Initialize the rendering of the environment state. Parameters ---------- network_specs : dict of {str : list} The operating characteristics of the electricity distribution network. """ # Set visualization title to class name. title = type(self).__name__ # Convert dict of network specs into lists. dev_type = list(network_specs["dev_type"].values()) ps, qs = [], [] for i in network_specs["dev_p"].keys(): p_min_max = [network_specs["dev_p"][i]["MW"][j] for j in [0, 1]] ps.append(np.max(np.abs(p_min_max))) q_min_max = [network_specs["dev_q"][i]["MVAr"][j] for j in [0, 1]] qs.append(np.max(np.abs(q_min_max))) branch_rate = [] for br in network_specs["branch_s"].keys(): branch_rate.append(network_specs["branch_s"][br]["MVA"][1]) bus_v_min, bus_v_max = [], [] for i in network_specs["bus_v"].keys(): bus_v_min.append(network_specs["bus_v"][i]["pu"][0]) bus_v_max.append(network_specs["bus_v"][i]["pu"][1]) soc_max = [] for i in network_specs["des_soc"].keys(): soc_max.append(network_specs["des_soc"][i]["MWh"][1]) # Set default costs range if not specified. c1 = 100 if self.costs_clipping[0] is None else self.costs_clipping[0] c2 = 10000 if self.costs_clipping[1] is None else self.costs_clipping[1] costs_range = (c1, c2) self.http_server, self.ws_server = rendering.start( title, dev_type, ps, qs, branch_rate, bus_v_min, bus_v_max, soc_max, costs_range ) def _update_render(self, dev_p, dev_q, branch_s, des_soc, gen_p_max, bus_v_magn, costs, network_collapsed): """ Update the rendering of the environment state. Parameters ---------- dev_p : list of float The real power injection from each device (MW). dev_q : list of float The reactive power injection from each device (MW). branch_s : list of float The apparent power flow in each branch (MVA). des_soc : list of float The state of charge of each storage unit (MWh). gen_p_max : list of float The potential real power generation of each RER generator before curtailment (MW). bus_v_magn : list of float The voltage magnitude of each bus (pu). costs : list of float The total energy loss and the total penalty associated with operating constraints violation. network_collapsed : bool True if no load flow solution is found (possibly infeasible); False otherwise. """ rendering.update( self.ws_server.address,, self.year_count, dev_p, dev_q, branch_s, des_soc, gen_p_max, bus_v_magn, costs, network_collapsed, )
[docs] def close(self): """ Close the rendering. """ # Close the rendering if it is currently active if self.is_rendering: try: rendering.close(self.http_server, self.ws_server) except AttributeError: pass self.render_mode = None