
After installation, you should be able to train your agents on gym-anm environments.

Existing environment

If the task you would like to solve already exist, the environment can be initialized using gym.make('gym_anm:<ENV_ID>'). The following example uses the ANM6Easy-v0 task and the actions are randomly sampled from the action space at each time step:

import gym
import time

def run():
    env = gym.make('gym_anm:ANM6Easy-v0')
    o = env.reset()

    for i in range(100):
        a = env.action_space.sample()
        o, r, done, info = env.step(a)
        time.sleep(0.5)  # otherwise the rendering is too fast for the human eye.


if __name__ == '__main__':

For more information about the Gym interface, read the official documentation.

Designing your own ANM task

The gym-anm framework is designed to allow users to easily design their own ANM tasks. New tasks can be implemented by creating a sub-class of ANMEnv. The code below provides the general template to follow:

from gym_anm.envs import ANMEnv

class MyANMEnv(ANMEnv):

    def __init__(self):
        network = {'baseMVA':..., 'bus':..., 'device':..., 'branch':...}
        observation = [('bus_p', [0,1], 'MW'), ('dev_q', [2], 'MW')]  # or a callable
        K = 1
        delta = 0.25
        gamma = 0.999
        lamb = 1000     # 'lambda' is a reserved keyword in Python
        seed = None
        super(MyANMEnv, self).__init__(network, observation, K, delta, gamma, lamb, seed)

    def init_state(self):

    def next_vars(self, s_t):

    def observation_bounds(self):  # optional

For more information about designing your own gym-anm environments, see Designing New Environments.